Day 07 - Focus

Day 07 - Focus

First, I'd like to welcome every one with a 8 Nights of Self-Care box to the party! Feel free to check out the other days and work through those prompts as well. Let's dive right in...
Today is all about determination and focus. If you think back to day one, you wrote down one thing you wanted to bring to life on this self-care journey. How is that going? Are you on track? Have we abandoned that goal and settled back into our routines and patterns?
If you're anything like me, after about a week, maybe two if I'm lucky, I slip back into my old habits and ways. Or depending, on the habit I'm trying to form, the first sign of an obstacle I throw up my hands and say, "I'll start over next week. Or next month. Or maybe this would be a good new year's resolution". That is totally normal, and human.
Recalling yesterday's prompt about emotion, we can tie in threads of that to today's notion of focus. They are very interconnected. Our focus and our determination is often defined by our emotions and how we process them. If this 25 days self-care journey is the first step in making sweeping changes to your life, know there is a lot of growth opportunity in today's intention. I'd encourage you to keep this card some place safe and call back to it when you feel like your path forward needs a little zuzsh.
Journal Prompts:
How do you overcome obstacles?
How do you emotions blurry and sharpen your focus?
Check-in with you self-control? Is it helping you maintain your focus.
Today's Gift: 
New to the shop this holiday season are shower melts! I've gotten a lot of feedback in the last two years from folks that either don't take baths or don't have one about adding a product to the shop that is a bit more versatile.  A little bit of research and trial and error, shower melts are making their debut. Today's melts in particular are all about aiding you in your focus. A blend of rosemary, peppermint, and basil. Just like other days, I chose to work with these plant based on their correspondences. 
To use the shower melts, drop one in the bottom of your shower. Try to keep it about half way out of the water so that it doesn't immediately dissolve. Getting it wet though, is what activates it. The hotter the water, the more you'll get the aromatherapy properties of the oil blend. I like to turn my shower on all the way hot and let it run for a minute or two before I turn the water down and hop in. Enjoy!

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