Day 08 - Courage

Day 08 - Courage

Today is about inner strength and courage. Digging deep and doing the hard things. At the beginning of this journey I mentioned you have everything you need inside you to get where you want to go. Whether that's developing a new habit, taking some of the stress out of the holidays, starting your own new traditions, whatever the case maybe, you have the tools you need.

One of the best tools we have to move forward throughout life is, courage. There are many types of courage. Many ways to find the strength to persevere when things are difficult. Courage, like gratitude, is a practice. We must actively choose to be courageous. We must actively choose to persevere. The more you harness our tenacity not to give up, the easier it is to be courageous again in the future. Inside each of us is a well of courage that we can tap into when the going gets tough.

Journal Prompts:
  • When was a time when you were courageous? What was the outcome? 
  • Who supports you the most? 
  • What resources do you have to remain courageous when challenges arise?

Today's Gift:

Each year I include something turquoise in the box. Not only is turquoise good for balance, calm, growth, and healing, it also has connection to the winter holidays. This year I wanted to branch out from loose stones or jewelry and offer something else you could use daily. I also enjoy little things that can make an impact in sustainability. Enter, Sarahberry Glass and her gorgeous glass straws. They're perfect. I have two and use them every single day. I hope you enjoy them!

A little more about Sarah. Sarah is a glass artist in NE Minneapolis and and absolute ray of sunshine. I don't think I've ever seen her without a smile on her face. She's simply the best. Her art is colorful and fun. I won't say I'm a collector, but I do love my dichroic glass earrings and the gummy worm ornament on our tree this year is adorable. Give her a follow on Instagram (@sarahberryglass) and be sure to check out her site

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