Day 15 - Endurance

The intentions for the last few days have been building to endurance—the marathon that is life really, not just the holidays. Endurance is equal parts truth, surrender, transitions, and balance.

How do we continually show up in life in a way that serves our purpose?

Now, you might be sitting here with everything together and feeling like your in a pretty good place, or you might feel like you'll never get to the part where you're just maintaining and going with the flow.

Here is your friendly reminder that perfection is not the destination. What is perfect anyways?

Think about what is sustainable for the long-term, even after the holidays have passed and the pace of life slows back down a bit. That is what matters. How can we resist the path of instant gratification now so that we can achieve long-term well beings?
Journal Prompts

  • How is the pursuit of perfection holding you back?
  • What areas of your life are the hardest to maintain consistency?
  • What causes you to struggle with the consistency? How can you overcome those challenges?

Today's Gift

AHH! Today's gift is one of my absolute favorites. It is a cutie chain bracelet from You're the Party. I am lucky enough to call Jess, owner a friend. We've done several in-person pop ups together this year and it's always, well, a party. She has a ton of really great earrings and other jewelry. Check out her site,! 

Now you might be wondering how this cutie little bracelet ties in with such a bold and heavy word. Whenever I make a big commitment to myself, I usually try to wear a piece of jewelry as a daily reminder of what I've promised myself. My hope is that this bracelet can serve as that for you. A reminder, even if you don't wear it everyday, of the strength and endurance you have to reach your goals and call things into your life that you truly want.

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