Attraction is a force that draws two things together by appealing to their desires and tastes. Attraction is also calling in the things that we want in our lives. You know a little manifestation moment.
Honestly, I have always struggled with the idea of manifestation and the law of attraction. Maybe it is too many disingenuous YouTube videos, or never feeling like I'm doing it right. It’s a little bit of both and a dash of impatience. Like most folks, I’m here for the instant gratification. That said, I can always to the past and see a steady stream of things that I made happen. The biggest step in attraction is taking actionable steps to get what you want. You can try to manifest a new job, but if you’re not filling out applications, how will you ever find one?
Today I want to focus on identifying and actively attracting what we want in our lives, especially for how you want this holiday season to play out between now and the end of the year.
I’m a list maker at heart and so I start each month, at the new moon, with a list of things I want to focus on attracting. Then I break that down into little actionable steps I can take to make it happen. You know, working with the Universe (or god, or whoever you think is running this show).
I encourage you to sit with the journal prompts for today and really apply them to this holiday season, however long that is for you. What do you want to attract? Let's make it happen!
- What are your personal values and beliefs? Are you living in alignment with those values? What steps can you take to strengthen that alignment?
- When do you feel the happiest?
- How can you bring more love and compassion into your life?
- What is one thing you’ve always wanted to do around the holidays? How can you make that happen this year?