
Flourish makes me think of a really happy house plant. The plant with healthy leaves and flowers and vibrant colors. The plant that just exudes happy energy. We flourish when our environment makes us happy. When we are healthy. Don't get me wrong, life is not rainbows and unicorns all of the time. There are going to be days when we feel like we aren't floursing. That is normal. What we must remember is that we thrive in an environment that is aligned with our dreams and our values. We must work to build that environment, even in the smallest ways possible.

  • What parts of your life are creating an environment for you to flourish? 
  • Are there things that you need to change in order to be able to flourish? 
  • How can you fully express your creativity?

Today's treat is good mood oil. An exclusive to the 25 day's of self-care box and a preview of what is to come. This blend of lime, clary sage, and grapefruit marries together the uplifting properties of citrus and the calming nature of clary sage to provide a blend that is certain to help lift spirits when things are feeling a little gray. Dab some on your pulse points, add to a diffuser, or put a few drops in your next bath.

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